中纪委网站:紧盯国资监管责任落实 推动补齐管理短板
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A meeting of major oil producers in Qatar has failed to reach a deal on capping oil production. It was a move intended to keep oil prices from..
The vote whether or not to impeach President Dilma Rousseff has ended in Brazil's Lower House of Congress. Among a total of 513 congressmen, voted..
Libya's new UN-backed unity government has secured six ministry buildings in the capital city, Tripoli, and will take administrative control of some..
US secretary of state John Kerry, and other G7 foreign ministers are scheduled to make a landmark trip to the memorial site for the world's first..
Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry have stressed the need for further cooperation between Moscow and Washin..
United Nations envoy Staffan de Mistura has arrived in the Syrian capital, Damascus to meet officials ahead of a new round of peace talks in Gene..
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk has announced his resignation, paving the way for government dissolution amid the country's lingering politic..
As the G7 meeting got underway in Hiroshima, a group of protesters gathered to demonstrate against the talks. Dozens walked past the city's landmar..
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