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Victory Day parade held at Moscow's Red Square

发布时间:2016-05-09  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Russia’s annual Victory Day parade to mark the end of World War II is being held in Moscow's Red Square.

Russian Defense Ministry says more than 13,000 soldiers will march across the country on this day. And as Russia Today reports, there will also be 71 aircraft and 200 units of military hardware on show.

Russia’s most advanced armored vehicles will roll through Moscow’s Red Square. Featured are the T-14 Armata tank, the Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled Howitzer, the Bumerang armored personnel carrier and the Tigr-M armored vehicle.

May 9th is commemorated annually in Russia, to mark the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. Events are held not just in Moscow. There are also parades in the Far East, and a motorbike rally across the country called “Immortal Regiment.”

A solemn ceremony marking the lighting of an eternal flame is scheduled at the fallen soldiers’ memorial at the 28th Guards Rocket Division in Kozelsk, Kaluga Region.

The scale of this year Red Square parade is smaller than that of last year, and Russia planned to spend 210 million rubles (U.S.$3.2 million) for the event.

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