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Venezuelan President predicts parliament's 'disappearance'

发布时间:2016-05-18  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

President Nicolas Maduro is predicting the imminent demise of Venezuela's opposition-led parliament. This comes amid delayed solutions to the country's economic crisis ---fears of a debt default, growing street protests and deterioration of its oil sector.

"The National Assembly has lost political validity; it is a matter of time before it disappears, that is what I believe. It is disconnected from the national interest and I am sure that they will veto the national emergency decree because they want to finish with this country's economic life, they say, to arrive on a red carpet to government," Maduro said.

Maduro did not specify what could happen to the legislature. He also spoke about the existence of an alleged plot orchestrated by the US. He said the aim is to create a scenario of violence in the country to justify foreign military intervention. The aim is to force him out of power. Maduro said a US intelligence plane - a Boeing 707 E3 Sentry - had recently violated Venezuelan airspace. And a second incursion took place on May 13th.

"That plane took illegal routes which will be severely protested before the US government, on May 11th, at 6.09 a.m. It was detected by our airplanes and by Venezuelan military aviation. Our soldiers acted to get it out of our air space," Maduro said.

中国全民传媒网摘编GAN JADE

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