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GAZA, Feb. 13, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Palestinians wait for travel permit to cross into Egypt at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the souther..
Exhausted migrants continue to wait at a camp near the Greek-Macedonian border in harsh weather conditions.More than a thousand people have taken sh..
Earlier we spoke to CCTV correspondent Joel Richards in Buenos Aires. He told us that the chief concern now is the possibility of the virus sprea..
Police: Armed man & companian trying to enter Disneyland in Paris中文国际网摘编:GAN JADE
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani continues his Europe tour following the lifting of international sanctions on his country.On Thursday, Rouhani held a..
Migrants are still making their way through treacherous winter waters, attempting to reach Greece and sanctuary in the European Union.The British gov..
France and Iran sign trade deals 中文国际网摘编:GAN JADE 
US Secretary of State John Kerry is arriving in Beijing later today. He is scheduled to meet with senior Chinese officials tomorrow to discuss a ..
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